Dear Mr. Buffett:
“He who pays The Piper calls the tune !”
You are now in the driver’s seat at IBM since you
(A/K/A - Berkshire Hathaway) hold the highest number
of IBM stock shares.
Therefore, on behalf of the general public, I pose these "20 Questions",
(give or take a few):
Questions #1-3
There are usually some surprises and unknowns going into any
business venture. Your purchases of IBM shares have been very low key
and discreet to avoid spoofing the market. Since gaining more insight
into IBM’s inner workings –
A) What have you learned, when did you learn it, and what did you do
once you learned it ?
B) Was your foot on IBM Chair Samuel “Big Sam” Palmisano’s neck,
or elsewhere ?
C) Is IBM more a gold mine or a parcel of trouble ?
Question #4
Are you going to hold or fold your IBM shares after 12 months ?
Questions #5-6
IBM Chair Samuel “Big Sam” Palmisano left IBM, but he did not leave
empty handed.
A) Are there mechanisms in place to forestall a massive exodus
of IBM Inside Traders and key managers ?
B) Are you keeping a jaundice eye on IBM CFO Mark “Money Bags” Loughridge ?
Question #7
With the settlement of the IBM PONZI RICO trial, what are you going to do
about the rest of IBM’s dirty laundry ?
Question #8
When are you going to vote yourself or a surrogate onto IBM’s Board ?
Question #9
Is IBM’s new Chair/Prez/CEO, Virginia Rometty merely a figurehead
and placeholder to generate public applause and warm fuzzy feelings ?
IBM’s Ginni Rometty Completes Ascent by Adding Chairman Role
By Sarah Frier (Bloomberg)
IBM Names CEO Rometty as Chairman; Palmisano Leaving Board
By Arik Hesseldahl (All Things D)
Question #10
Do you consider IBM Too Big To Fail, or too big to succeed for